Hello, once again
Pharmacy Tamar is back.
Everyone in life wants a faster and more effective remedy to sickness and illness when the need arises.
A sure way with less or zero side effect.
I believe am an answer to someone's prayer five miles away...
Lets read along...
This week a new product that has been in the market but not within everyone's reach is being introduced.
Azitrex is a brand of Azithromycin which is an azalide
macrolide antibiotic.
Azitrex is a broad spectrum antibacterial agent active
against Gram positive with extended activities over Gram negative organisms
responsible for respiratory infections.
- Azitrex is simple to use, convenient dosing regimens – daily dosing regimen.
- Azitrex has low side-effect profiles when compared with other macrolides.
- Azitrex has excellent tissue and intracellular penetration with enhanced gastric acid stabilities
One very distinguishing thing with Azitrex is bioequivalence.
Studies shows that AZITREX from QA is BIOEQUIVALENT
with the innovator brand thus further strengthening your confidence in
using AZITREX.
Most importantly the Azitrex suspension presented in powdered form is strawberry flavor thus encouraging better acceptability and convenient administration to children.
Indications include:
- Pharyngitis,
- Sinusitis,
- Tonsillitis,
- Pneumonia,
- Enteric fever ,
- Urethiritis
- and Cervicitis.
Azitrex which
comes in packet of three tablets of 500mg Azithromycin each and a bottle of 15mls containing 200mg
of Azithromycin in each 5ml teaspoon is also available in all reputable
pharmacies across Nigeria.
For further enquiries on getting the right product, contact our blogsite;tampharma.blogspot.com
or email on tamphar@yahoo.com;tamphar@gmail.com
OR with the following numbers:
Until next week where I will bring more functional capabilities of Azitrex to better treatment.